King's Landing
Dear chess player if you are a watcher of the series "Game of Thrones" you sure heard of the city King's Landing. The capital of the Seven Kingdoms. It's the place where the ships of Aegon I Targaryen landed and from there he conquered the continent.

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So the place or spot the king lands on is called King's Landing. If a King's Landing is done properly the conquered land(s) are done with quickly. If done wrong. You're a dead King.
The King's Landing is the most important aspect of KhanChess
The same it is with KhanChess. This game is totally dependend on a good King's Landing. A really bad timed King's Landing means you're dead. A King's Landing on the wrong place also means a dead King. Winter is coming!
These variants of chess use the same chesspieces as in normal chess but have a total different gameplay. In the center is the king that can claim victory if he reaches the other side of the board in a not checked position.
The most thrilling King's Landings are to be found in the Serbest and Yasak variant. The Serbest is the variant when you just don't know when a King is going to be placed. In the Yasak variant variant the King is placed on the board as last piece but on a spot that is still available to you and sometimes it can become very claustrophobic.
When a King arrives on the other side of the board in a non checked position the piece becomes a Khan. Well for you "Game of Thrones" fans a Khal would be more suitable. KhalChess, KhanChess. It's just on letter. But personally I would fear Genghis more than I would Drogo.
KhalChess or KhanChess or maybe even KhaleesiChess
Game of thrones is going to start soon with season 6. New books have to be published. We don't know where our Khaleesi is going to land. Dorne? King's Landing? The North? Somewhere else? Is she going to land with ships or dragons? Where and how? It's going to be an exciting moment.
Update 05-09-2016.
I really thougt that there was going to be a King's Landing in Season 6 but that will probably Season 7 of Game of Thrones. The Khaleesi Landing will probably be in King's Landing.