General rules of Khan chess variants

- The number of players is two
- Start position of the board: left corner has to be black
- Khanchess variations are played preferably played rapid tempo and both players get 30 minutes each
- Usage of only the "normal" chesspieces.
- One can’t castle
- There is no "En passant" capturing.
- Pawns that reach the last line or are just put on the last line will not promote
- Pawns can now run in all directions except diagonally. Forward, backward, left and right.
- Pawns can move all the times 1 or 2 squares. Capturing is as in normal chess.
KhanChess variants can be won in 4 or 5 ways.
- Checkmate
- Veni-vidi-vici-Khan!
- Your opponents flag falls. End of time.
- Stalemate.
- No KingsLanding is possible (Yasak variant only and very rare)
Khan chess variants with the Khan element have two special pawns.
The Subedei pawns. (2 of 8 pawns)
The Subedei pawns: two pawns are given a distinguishing characteristic (using for example a rubber band or hair band in a nice color). These pieces can move and capture as the other pawns but can also capture backwards.

Bishops can still only move diagonal. However, due to the free choice of placing your pieces anywhere on the board it is possible to have two white bishops. You can also choose to have two black bishops. One white and one black is also still allowed. It all depends on your strategy!
The King
The king now has the ability to get across and become Khan. By doing this you win the game. The king can’t stand in a check position when standing on the last line.
King's Landing
Just the placement of the King on your Chess Board. To read some more about King's Landing.